How to Paint Your Motorcycle Parts for Restoration
The steps taken during motorcycle restoration can lead to various challenges. A likely challenge that you are bound to face is finding the appropriate surface finish for the different parts with the different motorcycle paint colors. Deciding on which part to paint or not to paint is another major challenge, whether plated, painted or powder coated. The final decision will have a hand to do with the cost and reliability of the component.
You will have to make a decision on whether to give your motorcycle a frame powder coated You can choose the motorcycle paint the frame yourself when costs are a major deterrent.
You can access different mounting brackets to use for your old bike. A major source for parts of your motorcycle includes the batteries, horns, and seats which are spread out..The costs incurred during the restoration process can be reduced when you choose to paint by yourself.
There are many spray paints available at different auto stores which can be accessed through the different kinds of pressurized cans. However, there are various types of paints which are limited at various outlets but are acceptable inclusive of brackets.
The main concept behind getting a good final finish is through the preparation phase as recommended by various painting experts. The level of work needed for applying the final paint finish is little when compared to the needed preparation. You should start by cleaning your bike. You can simplify the method by taking pictures of the different parts as you disassemble.
During the preparation phase of spraying a component, you should wear the latex gloves. Aside from protecting your hands, the latex gloves will also protect the different parts from natural greases and oils from your skin. You can encounter skin irritations when the spray products come into contact with your skin.
A decreasing tank should be used in cleaning the different components of the bike. A brake cleaner is advisable at this stage since it does not leave behind greasy residues.
Components which have old paint or rust should be grit blasted. You should wire brush the different items using a dry paper. When blasting the different components, baking soda is highly recommended due to its less aggressive nature.
Before applying the filler material, you should consider spraying the area with a primer especially an etching primer. You can also prefer to powder coat the components to seal the components before application of any filler material.
Painting is the final process for applying topcoat. It is very important to follow the basic rules of spray painting when you are not experienced. You can take up practicing on scrap material which resembles the similar composition of the components which you want to paint.