Methods and Benefits of Irrigation
Irrigation is applying controlled amount of water to plants at intervals that are needed. There are four main methods of irrigation. One type of irrigation is the surface method. In this method of water is spread to all the other ground parts by gravity. The water is introduced to the furrows or basins in the farm by using of siphons, gated pipes or turn out structures and is allowed to spread all over the field. This method can only be applicable where the land is flat and sloping, and the soil has a medium to fine texture, to promote the spreading of the water. Sprinkler irrigation is the other mode of irrigation. In this method water is sprayed and sprinkled in the air just like rain. The method is expensive since one requires some money to buy equipment needed for the method such as pipes and sprinklers. The the benefit of this method is that it can be used regardless of the terrain.
Drip is another irrigation method. In this method water is applied through emitters direct to the soil inform of drops or streams. The advantage of this method is that it can be used in all soil types. Subsurface irrigation is an irrigation method. Water is put below the soil surface in this irrigation method. One factor that may cause variations in the depth of water table. One of the great things that have impacted society is irrigation. The greatest advantage of irrigation is that it has helped to protect crops against drought. Great harvest is experienced due to crops thriving well. Death through starvation has been reduced greatly in countries through the use of irrigation that has improved food security.
The other benefit of irrigation is that it helps to preserve soil nutrients. Manual watering may cause runoff water that may result in leaching carrying away nutrients in the soil. The another benefit of irrigation is to reduce the time needed by a plant to grow. The plans are able to make their foods at a fast rate through photosynthesis due to their green colour. This helps to reduce stunted growth in plants therefore saving time. The another benefit resulting from irrigation is minimal weed growth retain the land. Only areas that have crops will be facilitated with water in the case of an irrigation system. T his aids in reducing the chances of weed growth in the farm. There is great time management due to irrigation. A a person can engage in other money-making activities with the time that would have been consumed by irrigation.
Irrigation has helped in turning land that was initially not productive into great use. This helps to reduce land wastage since more land is put into use. plant Irrigation is an easy thing to carry out since it does not necessarily require tap water but can use groundwater-surface water as well as recycled water. Irrigation materials are not hard to get since apart from them being available in the market they are also present in online markets. There are various online outlets that have ventured wholely into online marketing of irrigation tools at relatively cheap prices that will favor the clients.