Ensuring The Health of Planted Trees
There are different kinds of trees on planet earth, and you must have seen some of them or read about the ones that cannot grow in your area. The importance of trees is all around you and have been experiencing it. They make the air you breathe clean, are a source of different kinds of food, and they are also the source of water catchment areas, among other uses. Trees sustain most life on earth, and the evidence is all around you. The sensitization of tree planting in your area should be among your top priorities. Therefore, you have to make sure that they are properly maintained because trees that are treated well will live for so long. You, therefore, need to consider the following aspects when taking care of the health of your trees.
You need to look for the appropriate medicine to treat your trees. This is done to kill poisonous fungus and insects that like eating tree stems, roots and leaves. You are advised to purchase plant medicine that prevents. Visit your nearest agro-vet and ask them to recommend the best tree medicine to use.
You should also ensure that you prune your tree branches regularly, especially for the young trees. Pruned young trees will be able to grow fast, healthy and productive. If the need arises for you to cut down some of the trees you have planted, ensure you have an immediate replacement.
Additionally, ensure that you apply the right kind of fertilizers that will ensure your trees grow healthy. Tree planting experts can give you the right tips to consider when choosing the best tree nutrient supplements. Trees are also vulnerable to death if the wrong type of supplement turns out to be poisonous instead of being helpful.
Apply water to your tender age trees at the right moment. Hot weather prevents the trees from absorbing most of the water since a substantial amount of it will be vaporizing. The best time to water them is very early in the morning before the sun comes up and later in the evening after the sun goes down. Do proper research to have adequate knowledge of the type of trees that kill instead of sustain life.
More so, consider doing investigations to know the type of trees that are supported in your area. The death of some trees is caused when you plant them in bad soils. Trees that thrive in hot climates might not be able to withstand places that experience winter. The pH and nutrient level of soils in different climates vary and therefore support different kinds of trees. Avoid the extinction of rare trees by taking them to environment that is most suitable.